Edirne Selimiye Mosque and Social Complex Edirne is the capital before Istanbul, the last capital of the Ottoman Empire, and has been an important campus throughout history, hosting many historical masterpieces. One of these works is the one that has become the city symbol of Edirne. Great Selimiye Mosqueis. This masterpiece building was built in memory of Yavuz Sultan Selim, one of the great serdars of the Ottoman Empire.
Selimiye Mosque and Social Complex This place, also known as , is not only a place of religious duties, but also a social complex class. Let's first learn some information about the architecture and history of Edirne Selimiye Mosque.
Great Selimiye MosqueIt started to be built in the early 17th century and was completed in 1575. This magnificent work of art was drawn and designed by Mimar Sinan, the glorious and intelligent architect of the Ottoman Empire. One of the most valuable works of Mimar Sinan Great Selimiye MosqueIt has always been a frequent destination for the sultans of the period. Especially on Holy Fridays, the mosque was packed both then and today.

The location decided for the construction of the mosque is in the historical city center of Edirne. There are many different buildings around the mosque, Edirne Selimiye Complex It reveals that it is part of a large movement known as. In addition to the mosque, this movement includes madrasahs, hospitals, baths, shops, hospitals and other buildings. Edirne Selimiye Mosque and Complex It became the center of the religious, social and cultural life of the Ottoman Empire.

The Fascinating Atmosphere of Edirne Selimiye Mosque and Social Complex
From Edirne Selimiye Mosque and Social Complex When you enter, you are greeted by a magnificent architectural restoration and atmosphere. This mosque, decorated in a way that will enchant you, makes you feel like you have entered another universe. Edirne Selimiye Mosque and ComplexThe Turkish-Islamic decorations on the walls of , clearly explain that the artistic understanding of that period was at a high level. Edirne Selimiye Mosque and ComplexHundreds of thousands of local and foreign tourists come to the city of Edirne to see this magical atmosphere of , and when they see this work of art, the amazement in their eyes always remains in their memories. If you want to see this magnificent historical heritage but are uncertain about accommodation, Göncü Group is honored to host you.
Great Selimiye Mosquearchitecture of, Mimar Sinan's intelligence and Ottoman architecture It reflects the highest level. One of the interesting features of the mosque is that it has four minarets. These minarets symbolize the magnificence and greatness of the mosque. The interior of the mosque is decorated with extraordinary decoration and detail work. The tile workmanship on the walls offers us one of the most beautiful reflections of the art of the period. However Edirne Selimiye Mosque and ComplexOne of the most interesting features of the pulpit is that it is decorated with Inverted Tulip motifs. The element that people who visit the Great Selimiye Mosque are always curious about is the Inverted Tulip, which belongs to the mosque and is one of its most interesting features. At work 'Great Selimiye Mosque'The biggest secret of…
The Secret of the Inverted Tulip
Inverted Tulipis an ornamental motif popularized in the Ottoman Empire towards the end of the 16th century. Inverted Tulip, is actually an upside down form of a common tulip flower. But this motif has a special and deep meaning. Inverted Tulip, emphasizes God's power, might and creativity. This motif represents a great power beyond the limited understanding system of living things. Great Selimiye MosqueThe Inverted Tulip motifs on the pulpit of the mosque also emphasize the cultural and religious values of the mosque's sultan, Yavuz Sultan Selim. Inverted Tulip It also symbolizes Mimar Sinan's design and artistic approach. This motif is full of details and information that reflect the magnificence, power and greatness of the Ottoman Empire.

In conclusion Edirne Selimiye Mosquepioneered architecture and art at the peak of the Ottoman Empire. This masterpiece building is not only a place of worship but also a work of cultural art and heritage. Inverted Tulip motifs form a part of the interesting and thoughtful structure of the mosque. Edirne Selimiye Mosque and Social Complex It reminds visitors of the magnificence of the Ottoman Empire. Great Selimiye MosqueIt is also a place that must be visited and seen for those who are interested in art and history. The Story of Selimiye Mosque and the Secret of the Inverted Tulip It further deepens the history and values of this fascinating building.